Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New design

something that yg maybe belum pernah dilihat atau jumpa..
something that yg maybe unik dan mungkin belum pernah terlintas di fikiran uols...

Lihat sendiri, and agak2 apa materialnya?? simple but i think it nice.. or maybe i syok sendiri?
Being so excited when get dis inspiration...but nak menyiapkannya agak mencabar dan tercabar jugak.

So far, Alhamdulillah, dah setel utk part ni..tggl lagi tunggu majlis yg akan berlangsung  n dis favors akan bertukar tgn... surprise for tuan empunya badan coz we make it for our youngest sister who will be raja sehari on dis 4 feb... suka tak suka kena terima jugak.. kes paksaan..heeheee...
~"Syukran Jazilan Kasiran"~

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Printed brown @ white paper/lunch bag...

Introducing the brown & white paper bag in a printed version one. For those who are want to make customize paper bag on your big day, so here you are and...it's on sale now..

Promo time...our intoducing price..
~ RM0.80/pcs
Note: Minimum order for dis printed paper bag is 100pcs.

Please let me know the soonest possible if you interested to have them as your thank you token for your guest. Make a choice either you have them unfilled or filled oready with samthing sweets, delicious, nice and of course awesome. Dis is something new and i believe you can't find it out there, so hurry up.. ORDER it now.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Brown paper/lunch bag

Hot items.. hot stuffs...
Sape kata brown paper/lunch bag mcm ni acik2 jual goreng pisang je boleh guna.
Mc'D pun pakai paper bag mcm ni tau.

Tapi klu kita lebih kreatif dan inovatif, dgn paper bag ni macam2 gift  yg menarik boleh dihasilkan..
Buktinya, dah byk wedding or  any event yg guna paper bag like dis as their favors. So, klu rasa2 nak  dapatkan paper bag kosong mcm ni, di sini ada 2 pilihan kaler..
 white paper bag
brown paper bag
Item spec :-
- brown/white colour
- jenis bertapak
- size : 14 1/2 lebar X 27 lebar
- 1 pack : 100pcs
- rate price : RM30 (100pcs)
Note : Minimum order is 100pcs.